Prayer Road (Paperback - 5 Sep 2006)
Prayer Road is the story of perseverance and determination, and, of course, prayer in a post-conflict world. Prayer Road follows the true stories of the first Olympic athletes from the world's newest nation, as they, their coaches, the International Olympic Committee and United Nations staff members and peacekeepers put East Timor center stage at the Sydney Olympic Games.
Proceeds from the sale of Prayer Road go to Right to Play, which is featured in the book under its former name "OlympicAid". Buy a book, help kids play!
Evaluating Ombudsman Operations (Paperback - 2 Mar 2011)
The title of this book incorporates key terms that define the work. The reader should view this book as a blueprint for evaluation which, like all generic blueprints, can be amended to fit the terrain, augmented based on new information or technology, or reduced to fit a stricter budget. It is also very much a blueprint that is developed from an action- oriented case study of an ombudsman, and is, therefore, relevant and tested.
A long-standing question in the ombudsman community has been how to evaluate ombudsman operations without impugning the determining characteristics of an ombudsman: independence, impartiality, and confidentiality. There has been a lack of information or guidance, especially at the practitioner level, on how ombudsmen can develop meaningful evaluations without violating confidences or independence.
This book provides practitioners with tools that will enable them to conduct evaluations to determine information about ombudsman operations, formulation, and improvements. This books outlines a set of skills and action plans for evaluating Ombudsman offices that are in high demand by the Ombudsman community.
Conflict Management Mechanisms (Paperback - 31 Mar 2009)
This is a masters thesis for the degree of Master of Conflict Analysis and Management at Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The thesis examines the growth of conflict management systems in the Canadian Financial Services Sector. The Canadian banking and financial sector, through the strength of its regulatory systems - both voluntary and mandated - has demonstrated that it has the capacity to resist the serious downturn that has impacted other economies in 2008 - 2009. A unique feature of the Canadian economy is the manner in which consumer, either individuals or small or medium enterprises can address disputes with financial institutions. It also examines the use of various approaches to conflict management; from consumer regulatory and protection agencies, to executive ombudsman schemes.